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What the liberals ultimate goal is

Our great country was founded on the basis of a decentralized government. Our Forefathers did not want to be subjected to big government like a monarchy again. That is why they set up three different branches, the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Those three branches led to the system of checks and balances which, as you know, prevents any one branch from getting too strong.

The liberals want big government, exactly the opposite of our founding fathers. But they want to be the ones to control it because, you see, they do not think that we know how to think the right things. They want to do the thinking for use.

Why do you think that Biden and his Administration, including Merrick Garland did nothing when there were protesters in front of the Supreme Court Justices' homes even though it was illegal to do so? They are trying to tear apart the foundations on which our country was built, including the Judicial Branch and this was one little step in chipping away at that branch. The liberals want to throw out the United States Constitution because it is old, out-dated, racist and written by male, white supremecists. They basically want to found a new United States based on their views of how our country should be run which is big government, no personal freedoms, and not even control over our own money.

Do you think they are adding 87,000 IRS workers to go after corporations? Big business? The rich? Heck NO! They are going after the middle class and the poor. They say that as long as you pay your taxes, you have nothing to worry about, but they will be able to monitor every penny you spend and on what. They will be looking for new ways to tax you, so that you have less money. I would not be surprised if their ultimate goal was for everyone one from the ultra-poor to the ultra-rich are all on a monthly allowance, receiving the same amount; thus, putting everyone on the same footing.

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