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Going HOME from hospital

I was admitted to Baptist Medical Center South on September 14, 2022. Today is October 5, 2022 and I am supposed to go home today. I'm actually up late. It is 2am and I have been working on this new website for hours. I will be surprised if I do make it home today. I actually have 3 more weeks of IV antibiotics and I do not have a line in me. Ever since my accident, my veins went into hiding! I have small, deep, fragile veins. At the least, they have to use ultrasound to try to get a regular IV into me. Of course, they have to use ultrasound for a midline or PICC line. The line that the put in while I was in the ER had infiltrated (blown) by the time I got into a room, about 11p. Ultrasound was used to place another IV. An hour later it infiltrated (blew) and this time a midline was put in. On September 30th, my midline stopped working! The vascular nurse was called to put in a new midline. She tried twice on my left arm, but failed because the vein was too close to a cluster of nerves. While trying to thread the midline wire, she hit nerve ending twice, which is extremely painful, so she stopped. Then she tried to get a midline in my right arm, but the wire just would not thread through. I have had quite a few midlines. The reason it was blocked from threading through was probably that scar tissue had built up in the vein from previous midline. All she could do at that point was a regular IV. Unfortunately, they only usually only last two or three days on me before they infiltrate (blow). October 2nd, my new IV blew. So, they referred me to the IR, interventional radiology, department to get a new line. I do not know what kind of line they will try. One thing that I absolutely refuse for them to do is a IJ, internal jugular vein, which they frequently like to do in the neck. In fact, I thought that was the only option until I just looked up IJ line to get what IJ stood for. Now I see that it can also be done in the groin. That would be my choice. Now most of you would think I am crazy for choosing that until you remember that I am paralyzed from the chest-down, so I would not feel a thing. Well, it is now 2:30am and I can no longer keep my eyes open. I'm going to sleep. Good night all!

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